Galactic Slang
(long hand runes)
About Long Hand Runes
This language was built to capture ALL the sounds used in Galactic speech and ONLY the sounds used in Galactic speech. There is no correct or incorrect spelling, only incorrect use of runes. In other words, please use the rune which you personally use for the way you say a word. For example, I personally say the word "it" at the start of a statement or after a pause (capital space), but during the statement I say "et". This way people will hear your words in your version of our slang, which is why Galactic Slang is made for YOU. This language is built exactly like the teenagers texting language, which is why have built the Short Hand Rune Set.
While the Long Hand Runes are complete as a set (45 runes), we have also utilized 19 spaces for expression and emotion, these are now available. Expressions and emotions will stay at the top of the script where they belong, rather than all over the place. We already use the "Over Nume" from Numerical Understanding as an Expression Rune to replace full stop when a statement is over. We also utilize an "Overline" to express a Capital Rune or Capital Space (which replaces a comma). Expressions run through a statement and tells us how to express it. Emotions are placed before a statement so we know the discourse we are speaking in as we read, such as a question, anger, or amusement.
God bless everyone and stay safe, The Number Pirates.