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About Michael's Thoughts

This page has replaced my (Michael Shayne) Facebook and X pages.

The reason I have deactivated my Facebook and X, and decided to post my thoughts on our own website, is because the Australian Government has decided to attack these platforms and censor people from this country from informing people of the truth, which our fake media will not report. Albanese has gone on our fake media telling Ozzies off for informing the planet about all of the stabbings which have been going on forever in this country. The Australian Government is not taking any steps to rectify the problem by putting 2 handles on the kitchen knives as I have advocated for the last 20 years, but rather are annoyed at the people who are spreading awareness and telling the truth, which his fake media hides. I am sure that my Facebook page in particular is the main target of the Australian Government's censorship of truth, therefore I will not contribute to their push for censorship, and have removed myself as I am sure I am the main problem that they have with big mouths. Mark Zuckerburg and Elon Musk are not the problem, but rather fake governments and selective censorship is.

Since 2022 when I opened my "The Number Pirates" facebook page, I have not censored anybody. I have had people slander me and argue points and generally talk crap, but I have never blocked anyone or deleted any comments, but rather I have stood up to them like a man and answered them to the best of my ability and let the people judge for themselves what they believe to be true or not, as people have always done to me in the past. A number of years ago, I had my ex son in law (Ethan) making fake posts with the help of his mate (Dan) pretending that I was a danger to children under 10 years old while I was working (volunteer) as an instructor teaching self defence (Karate) to children, which ruined my reputation in the industry. I confronted the police in Queensland about this matter and wanted the slander and defimation dealt with, but they refused to do anything and informed me that "you can say whatever you like on Facebook in this country and there are no laws governing this, It's up to people whether they believe it or not".

I do not find it very funny that mainstream media can lie to millions of people every day and get away with it, while honest people who wish to inform people of the truth should be told off by our fake prime minister because he says they are making us all look bad. The truth is not making us look bad, but rather our fake government and their negligence is to blame for the horrors that we must endure in this country. After 4 years of no support from the media or any government departments in this country and multiple set ups against me and my son (Jack) and after multiple threats from the government's scose bikie gangs and abuse from the public, it is I that is being charged as a criminal for trying to leave this country. It is the government and all of their departments that are the criminals in this country, this truly is a convict colony which wishes to illegally censor truth while promoting lies. I AM NOT IMPRESSED!

In the interest of Facebook and X, I am leaving social media out of my quest for truth and awareness, and will publish my thoughts on this page (

Thank you and God bless everyone except liars,
Michael Shayne.

Michael's Thoughts


Our New Business Venture

As the planet has universally agreed that they will never work together, I guess there is no military mission to blow Halley's Comet. The militaries of this planet are all weak and gay and are afraid of a real job to protect the planet. I thought planetary defence was military business, but evidently they believe it is a capitalist business, militaries are only there to kill people that your country doesn't like (genocide) and have no interest in protecting your country from The Brick (Halley's Comet). Well this planet just keeps getting dumber all the time! Stupidity through ignorance is the new top sin. Sentients have an obligation to learn and retain all information they are capable of retaining, as is their purpose. You're all selling yourselves short cheapskates.

Where is the profit in blowing up a comet? No, they are all wrong. Any capitalist with half a wit would opt for the easier option with a higher chance of success. That is to say, if they could get off the planet to put observatories on Mars and risk being stuck between two asteroid belts, a capitalist will keep going in search of a safer and more hospitable planet and would not return. This is the most efficient, cheapest and practical option for saving themselves. So if Planet Glass (Earth) believes I will do this job as a capitalist without any help from the rest of the planet, then they are sorely mistaken. No, as a capitalist I will neither blow The Brick nor help anyone (including myself) to get off Planet Glass. In other words, we are all going down with the ship this time, because I have learned much since Ragnarök.

So what is our new business venture? Since the adults believe they should just have 37 years of fun, then we will endeavour to provide affordable entertainment for the children. Fuck the grinches!
We will offer free top quality games (such as Merblocks) which will work on any device capable of accessing the internet, as all of the current systems on the planet can read html and javascript.
Microsoft, Google and Apple have lied to you all about their systems not being compatible. It is software trickery because computer binary has never changed and they all use exactly the same binary from the 1950s (row shift binary). Cheap ass tech!
From our video games, we will be manufacturing top quality merch products with nice cheap plastic at affordable prices so every child has an opportunity to obtain them.

It is our intention to corner the toy market and make Santa proud, starting with Merblocks.
Merblocks is a professionally designed block set built by a carpenter who knows his angles, while Lego are greedy pricks who gouge the children a small fortune for a handful of poorly designed blocks from artists with no background in construction.

Where the hell does Lego get off selling block sets which are not designed to be pulled apart and reused again and again. The greedy cunts should have stuck to traditional blocks and let kids use their imagination. Instead, Lego are trying to replace model kits which children glue together then paint for permanent display. Lego uses at least ten times more plastic and are way more expensive than these model kits. Even their standard blocks do not have a uniform width to height ratio, which is why I know they are not designed by anyone in the building trade (illogical increments). We now have 37 years to corner the toy market and we will only employ Australian Aboriginals, because these people deserve a fair go and no one else will give it to them. The Aboriginal people know who we are, we've been coming here for a long time before the rest of you white coonzies. The Aboriginals record their histories in dream time, they have many stories about us. The brother which speared his brother who then turned into a black bird refers to Odin's twins. This may be common knowledge, but with the level of stupidity this planet has obtained, I doubt there is anyone left on this planet capable of making such connections. If this is not common knowledge, then perhaps more people should take the Aboriginal dream time stories more serious as these people are fairly intelligent, you people just don't understand them because you're all racist.

You all asked for it, you all got it. Have fun for the next 37 years you cheap cunts because now we're in the business of entertaining the children as no one else seems to care about them. Be careful what you wish for Planet Glass, because you may just get it. Stupid cunts, people don't bluff when they're holding a royal flush, such is our knowledge. Planet Glass is trying to bluff us when I know you're not even holding a pair because your sciences don't match each other. You all know nothing, everything on this planet is fake, except us. I guess you all should have done your research, I'm a sore loser and I don't like my planets being smashed by arseholes like Zeus (used car salesman in Darwin), now all you Grinches are dirty little Zeuses who have decided to let The Brick come. A father will tell you what you need to hear, while salesmen like Zeus and Judah (real estate salesman) will tell you what you want to hear. Judah himself admitted to me that he will agree with you over 20 issues even if he doesn't agree, to force you into agreeing with a single point he wants to make whether it's true or not. Typical salesmen, these guys sold you all a fake future for the low, low price of your soul and you all bought it. Was it worth it? Do you all believe you got value for money, a square deal? Personally, I would ask them for a refund as they did not deliver, but we all know salesmen are morally bankrupt so I guess you're all out of pocket. If everyone had followed Odin instead of backstabbing me, you all would have been up there thousands of years ago, now you can't get up there because you all made yourselves dumb and can't remember how you got to this planet. Keep an eye open for our video game Merblocks later this year.

P.S. It's funny how this stupid planet could come to the conclusion that if we don't believe in him and ignore him, then he has no power. WHAT! This is the dumbest attitude yet because power is fake, there is just responsibility. Here is the reality Planet Glass, if I don't believe in the people of this planet, then I will simply not take responsibility for ensuring the survival of this planet. After the last 4 years, my faith in mankind has perished. Now the onus is upon the people of this planet to restore my faith in them. Good luck, you're all gonna need it, and don't winge about the weather because you all brought this shit upon yourselves.


Idiocracy Extreme

Just when I thought this planet could not get any dumber, they managed to somehow lower the bar even more. The parents on this planet have made their decisions for their children without their children's consent. After four years of continual efforts to no avail, to motivate this planet for what I believe to be a military mission, not a capitalist expedition, we have heard the views of the adults out there. Their views have mostly been "fuck the kids, they don't need to know, just let us have fun for the next 37 years. It doesn't matter, the end will be quick". WHAT THE FUCK!

After four years of half the planet hating on us, do you all really believe the children don't know that you're all screwing them over. What is worse, instead of everybody picking up production, mankind has made the selfish decision that, if the kids are all gonna die in 37 years, then we don't need to collect resources for them and we can simply use up resources left by previous generations. Australia is now not only pushing for a 4 day work week, they are even considering a 3 day work week. WHAT A PACK OF SELFISH CUNTS!

Children and teenagers are way smarter than you so called parents and are rebelling all over the planet against grinch parents who just want kids as slaves to wash dishes and mow lawns because women don't wanna clean and men don't wanna mow.

So how does this modern day utopia you've all built deal with such issues?

Do the parents and the medias of this planet try to apologise to the children and promise them that they will have a future, and do they appeal to the children to please stop the violence? Do they even bother to try and understand their children and their problems? NO! Our stupid fake western media instead opts to appeal to the adults to get tougher on the children and punish them harder. WHAT! THAT'S INSANITY! This insane tactic will not work on children when they have nothing to lose because parents don't care and are willing to let them die. The attitude of the adults on this planet is totally selfish and they do not have the right to call themselves parents if they are not willing to fight and work for their children's survival, but rather they can call themselves grinch slave masters.

To sum it all up, the adults of this planet have declared war against their children by stealing their planet and their time. So what is their response when the children rebel? We'll just fuck them over harder, lets punish them all, we're not apologising to our children, we own them. Well, when the children have their purge, which is surely coming, and you wake up in the middle of the night with a knife in your chest with about ten seconds left to live, just remember these words "you all brought this shit upon yourselves". Apologise or perish, your choice Planet Glass.


Ronald McDonald is a legend

I was wrong! McDonalds are the good guys because Ronald McDonald has looked after the Ham Burglar (the Grinch) and his mob on Old McDonalds farm for the last 20 years.

The Ham Burglar did not steal the hamburgers from McDonalds, but rather he stole them from the Nazis. The Ham Burglar has had a hard life and no one can blame him for stealing pigs (ham) as a young boy. His family were in a concentration camp in Yugoslavia during the second world war. They had very little to eat, so no one can blame the Ham Burglar for stealing ham from the Nazis, because he had every right to feed his family when the Nazis wouldn't share. Sharing is caring, but the Nazis didn't share because the Nazis didn't care.

My hat is off to you Ronald McDonald, you're a bloody legend bro.

God Bless Ronald McDonald,
Michael Shayne.


I'm Sick of Stabbings and other Domestic Violence

Australia has always been a stabbing playground and this must stop. Citizens of Australia have recently been informing the planet of this fact through social media as our mainstream media ignores such matters. Our government's approach to the recent voicing of this problem is to attack the social medias and to inform citizens to stop speaking out because you are making Australia look bad.

This approach is of course totally rediculous. Instead of solving the problem with logical solutions (such as two handled kitchen knives) and taking responsibility, they simply wish everyone to shut their mouths about it and they attack social media instead. You cannot accuse someone of making you look bad when your flaws have been exposed, but rather you should endevour to rectify them. Our lazy government needs to get off their arse and address these issues and take responsibility.

Social media does need to be revised to protect children from content not suitable for them. This is true!

I believe a more suitable solution is to not set an age limit for social media at all so children will not lie about their age to get an account, this will put the responsibility on the individuals who post to rate their content appropriately so social media can add filters. You cannot expect social media to review every single post as it would take them a year to review one days worth of posts. Government legislations, restrictions and bans against particular platforms is no answer to the problem and is a waste of time. Platforms need to be open to all ages, it is the content that should be categorized and the owness is upon the parents to supervise their children or otherwise keep their mouths shut.

Parents need to take responsibility for their children, what they learn and how they behave, stop passing the buck and grow up. If you don't know your child and what they can handle and what they are doing, then you are useless and you should stop pumping out kids that you can not handle if you don't have time for them.

Children will always want to be involved in what the adults do in a quest to become adults themselves. By age restricting social media and other platforms that adults use, you're all setting yourselves up for failure as children will lie and that is a fact. Children will lie to get what they want, children will lie when they are scared, children will lie to make a parent happy. Truth is a skill they will learn over time. FACT! Protect them from lying by opening the platforms to them, but restrict the content by supplying filters please.

God Bless everyone and Stay Safe,
Michael Shayne.


Ambulance and Medical Staff Shortage

Since Covid, we have lost many of our medical staff and ambulance officers here in Australia. If you were previously a nurse or doctor who quit because you refused to either take or give their bogus injections to innocent civillians who did not deserve a death sentence, then I applaud your bravery. But the time has come for you all to return to these jobs as many people are dying from vaccine injuries and other health issues because of the lack of staff.

Also if you are a hoon and have first aid experience, then perhaps you should consider being trained as an ambulance officer as the people currently performing these jobs are working around the clock without holidays to save lives. I would encourage anyone who believes they are capable of doing this work to seek professional training for their new career.

P.S. I have been blessing the clouds every day so everyone will get a baptism. It is small comfort, but know that if your loved ones pass during these hard times that they will have been baptised by my army of clouds.

Thank you and God Bless everyone and please stay safe,
Michael Shayne.

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